Third Path Press is the publishing arm of Third Path, LLC.  It was originally founded as an imprint label for Brigitte Yearman’s fresh-voice WWII memoir Don’t Say Anything to Anybody (2017, read excerpts at Amazon).  Third Path is open to representing other authors with fresh progressive voices and thought-provoking stories.  However, we are not a conventional publisher.  We’re a small hybrid label that works with authors who choose to self-publish on their own.

At a low cost (equivalent to 0.20/printed book), your self-published book may carry the Third Path imprint label.  A third-party imprint label on your book’s spine can lend it greater credibility.  Additionally, we can assist with co-promotions and contacting independent book sellers on your behalf.  These are additional paid services.  If you are working with a print-on-demand company and don’t wish to pay their excessive mark-ups for book advertising and marketing services, we may be a better partner for those tasks.  For all Third Path books, listing on our website and general word-of-mouth (WOM) co-promotion is always free.


Author Submission Guidelines

We are highly selective about the works that carry our imprint.  If a manuscript honors our Review Window and meets our Genre Guidelines (below), it will receive complimentary feedback on publication readiness and major revision flags.

  • If your manuscript is not ready for publication, we’ll let you know why and what it needs.
  • If your manuscript is publication ready, we’ll share our terms for carrying the Third Path imprint and provide a list of optional paid marketing services.


Review Window

Manuscripts are scheduled for review January 1 – February 15 only.  Get in touch with us BEFORE that time period (preferably no later than November) to slate your complimentary review and learn more about how we partner with authors.


Genre Guidelines

We’re interested in… Both non-fiction (memoir or instructional/informational) and fiction.  We specialize in: outdoor narrative; medical/health memoirs; war/refugee survival with a transformative bent; stories of rebuilding and recovery; sustainable/green living; environmental issues and innovative solutions; women’s empowerment; natural health; progressive hopeful social activism; historical fiction and non-fiction covering rarely heard perspectives; contemporary transformative fiction.  We love authors who shine light on a major crisis and then guide the reader to a more hopeful future.  We adore contemporary fiction with powerful women and minority protagonists, swept up in a truth-telling transformative story line.


We’re not interested in…

Grudge-fueled memoirs; pop genre fiction (romance, sci fi, dime store westerns, vampire lit, etc.); poetry collections, unless the poems tend to have a quirky narrative bent and overlap with our genre specialties above; extreme far-left or far-right dogmatism.

More info & inquiries: info (at) thirdpathpromotions (dot) com